Sunday, April 4, 2010

April 4, 2010

-I got candy, no complaining baout that.
-Today was a very good day. Since I now teach at 8:00a.m. Saturday mornings, it was the only day all week I got to sleep in. I woke up at 11:30-12:00 ish (in the moorning/afternoon) and listened to fun music. Then my mom showed me a cool movie called, "The Amazing Mr. Fox", if you read this blog, you should watch it. Next I made plans to get together with my friend after my run down at the beach. While it was happening, I was jsut baout to leave to run (we were planning via facebook) when "Jogging Gorgeous Summer" by The Islands started playing on my Pandora station. A coincidence?, who knows! So I ran about 8 laps of the bech, and on the 3rd one I saw my English Teacher/Ultimate Coach, we said hi. That was cool. Well, then I went into the old port with my friend and tried to find a drink. NO WHERE was open, it was frustrating, I was sooooooo thirsy. I finnaly hopped in my car and went to a convinience store and grabbed a drink there. That led to my friend and I playing frisbee and joining up with yet another friend. They played Magic Cards (I forgot mine) while I drew a picture of another one of my friends (who wasn't present, but I am excited to present this to him) being a puss. The picture re-enacts a scene yesterday where he wouldn't drink Orange Juice because it had pulp. Then, because he wwas a puss he got soda spilt on him, and wouldn't change into a new shirt even though he was uncomfertable. P-U-S-S. Jusst before leaving I played a Magic game which lasted so long as a stalmate, that I milled the other player unintentionally, that was disatisfyingly funny.
-Now I'm home baout to start A LOT of history homework, rushing through this blog entry knowing every minute I'm up is one I'm not sleeping. I'm also eating candy. Today was worth living.

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